Anfa Fertility Center (AFC) est la première clinique indépendante au Maroc spécialisée dans la FIV ( Fécondation In Vtro),

Impact of sperm genome decay on Day-3 embryo chromosomal abnormalities from advanced-maternal-age patients

Infertile male patients often exhibit unconventional semen parameters, including DNA fragmentation, chromatin dispersion, and aneuploidy-collectively referred to as sperm genome decay (SGD).

We investigated the correlation of SGD to embryo chromosomal abnormalities and its effect on clinical pregnancy rates in patients with advanced maternal age (AMA) (>40 years) who were undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection-preimplantation genetic screening (ICSI-PGS).

Three groups were assessed : patients with AMA and male partners with normal sperm (AMA-N); AMA patients and male partners presenting with SGD (AMA-SGD); and young fertile female patients and male partners with SGD (Y-SGD).

We found a significant increase in embryonic chromosomal abnormalities—polyploidy, nullisomy, mosaicism, and chaotic anomaly rates—when semen parameters are altered (76% vs. 67% and 66% in AMA-SGD vs. AMA-N and Y-SGD groups, respectively). Statistical analysis showed a correlation between SGD and aneuploidies of embryonic chromosomes 13, 16, 21, X, and Y, as well as negative clinical outcomes.

Incorporation of molecular sperm analyses should therefore significantly minimize the risk of transmission of chromosomal anomalies from spermatozoa to embryos, and may provide better predictors of pregnancy than conventional sperm analyses.

We also demonstrated that an ICSI-PGS program should be implemented for SGD patients in order to limit transmission of chromosomal paternal anomalies and to improve clinical outcome.

Mol. Reprod. Dev. 82: 809–819, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.